Our documentary editorial project Fordson: Faith Fasting Football is now available for streaming on Netflix and for sale. Lovingly created by Ed at motionpost for the producers at North Shore Films, a 3-disc set of Fordson is now available for sale. You get a Blu-Ray™...
Nice review of Fordson on the SunTimes blog this weekend. Written by Omer M. Mozaffar in Chicago. It was uploaded to the blog by Roger Ebert. “When my brother-in-law watched “Fordson,” he felt chills. A high school football player himself, now a...
Today we were reviewed By Joe Leydon in Variety: “..deftly balances the feel-good exuberance with the acknowledgment that the young Fordson high schoolers, along with their friends and families, continue to face the prejudices of those who insist that...
Ed Says: I’m pleased to announce that last night Fordson: Faith, Fasting, Football won the Slamdance Special Jury Award for Documentary Feature. The Grand Jury Prize for Documentary Feature went to the excellent film “Bhopali”. Our sincerest...
Ed Says: I’m at Slamdance this week. It’s been really fun out here in Utah. We had a pretty full house on the first showing of Fordson and they were a really receptive audience. Very responsive — and seemed to cue to all the right places, and then...